Standard Catalyzed Varnish Top Coat

Each piece we finish is finished in our Standard Catalyzed Varnish. Catalyzed varnish has become the standard when durability and ease of use are both required. Catalyzed varnish tends to be more durable than lacquers, pre-catalyzed and post-catalyzed lacquers. It is also easier to use than 2K polyurethane and plural component polyester and does not require the extensive curing equipment UV does.

With this type of finish, your furniture is sealed in a durable coat that will last for years. Your able to put a sweating glass on any surface and not worry about leaving a ring. If you happen to be writing on a piece of paper with a permanent marker and it goes through and gets on the top, don’t worry, you’re also able to get that out too.

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Two Tone Finishing

Two Tone refers to applying two different stains on the furniture. Examples of two toning is making the frame of a dresser one color and having the drawer fronts be another. The best combinations for two toning are two colors that are very far apart (IE: Brown top with a black or white base) or having two colors are are slight contrast of each other.



The burnishing process is done by hand to create the look of antique furniture. A glaze like substance is hand brushed onto the wood furniture that creates a darker look around the edges. Often items are burnished by rubbing and there are many types of burnishing tools that use spinning disks with burnishing pads to increase the shine. Traditionally, burnishing differed from polishing in that no polishes were used.

Quarter Sawn White Oak - Almond Burnished (FC 42000) 30‑Sheen


Light Distressing

Our light distressing is a mixture of different techniques to create the look of antique furniture that has aged naturally into a beautifully patina. The distress marks add character to the finished furniture. Some of the techniques used in our light distressing package may be light to medium pinholes, some indentations and nicks, lightly eased edges and wear through, light rasp markings and hand rubbed glazing. Flat sheen is recommended and usually standard however a semi-gloss varnish can also be requested.


Heavy Distressing

Each of our heavy distressing package is definitely an substantial amount of hand distressing for the furnishings. There could be heavy pin holes, indentations and also grazes, rasp white markings and also worm holes. The actual sides of the furnishings are generally heavily worn. Simulated fractures are created about each of our seriously distressed package. It is possible to tell your current Amish furnishings specialists if you prefer not to have the simulated cracks in the furniture. Our heavily distressed furniture creates a finish that suggests several centuries of wear and loving care. Medium hand burnishing and also hand applied glazing might be part of the actual heavy distressing. Flat sheen is recommended and also generally common nonetheless any semi-gloss varnish will also be inquired.


Sheen Level

The level of sheen determines how glossy or how matted your piece will appear. 30 sheen is standard on every finished piece we offer. Lowering the sheen level will make your furniture more matted. Having a more matted look is paired best if you are looking for a more rustic type look. One thing to consider though when lowering the sheen level is the natural oil that comes from your hands can buff the piece back up to a 30 sheen. This however is dependent on how you use the piece. For example if you were to order a table set with a low sheen level, over time grabbing your chairs and pulling your table apart you will notice where you have buffed out the table and chairs. On glossy pieces, scratches are much more likely to appear due to the reflective appearance.